Новые сервера Lineage 2
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PvP x1555 Grand Opening at February 8 at 5:00 pm LDN | 20:00 MSC




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About our project

A unique game project that was carefully developed for a long time, all races and classes were maximally balanced, also the whole concept, store, services were developed very thoughtfully and rationally! Our doors are always open to all players from all over the world, our game servers are absolutely free, without wipes, without overdonation with a minimum donation and all players can always participate in the initial game race! Everyone welcome to our unique game project! The project of your dreams!

Classic H5, that everyone likes!

Our game servers are extremely classic and all their content corresponds to their rates, but we also have additional author's instance zones, new classic-standard raid bosses, new cloaks, hats, costumes, which make the game more diverse and interesting! And we are sure that our game servers will appeal to everyone, both fans of the classics and fans of servers with additions!

Large base of solo players

Each of our game servers is designed for 20,000 players, we have a very large base of solo players who were invited to our game project and in the future we will further expand our audience and fans of our project! We respect representatives of each race, each nationality and each of you! That is why we launched this project for the whole world and declared it a world-international project!


'Assassin' Attano

Now, in addition to the Ultra Daytime Zaken, in the same pirate ship, you can farm a new Boss - "Killer" Attano. From the new Boss you can farm very useful things, even Donate Coins and Elegia with a low chance, the entrance to the new Boss from 11 - players.


Etis van Etina

Etis van Etina - one of the point person in the world of Elmoreden, reappears on our game servers. From this Boss, you can also farm a lot of useful things, Donate Coins and Elegia with a low chance, the entrance to the new Boss from 11 - players. You can go to the new Boss from Gludio Airship Wharf (Gracia) with the help of npc The 'Loyal' Servant.



For variety and boost of players, we have added 4 new standard-classic Bosses. Vanguard, Lydia von Helman, Amazon and Darion's big brother-Darius, with respawn 24-72h New Bosses also drop a lot of useful things, Elegia with a minimum chance. You can get to the new Bosses with Alt + b, Gatekeeper.



For comfortable game and simplification for players, we made direct teleport points of several zones, increasing their number of mobs, adding some farm coins. Direct teleport points start from 15 up to 85 level.

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Premium Account

On each of our servers, when creating an account (character), each player receives a Premium Account 50% for 1 hour. The promotion is permanent and will never be canceled!



Clan - existing 9 or more players who come to our servers or any player who gathers 9 or more players and creates a clan, the clan level increases to level 9, 100,000 clan reputations, 10 of each essence to learn clan skills. If you have 36 or more players in your clan, you can get more bonuses, such as game server currencies up to real money. The promotion is permanent and will never be canceled. You can leave your applications on our forum.


Support for the project

Every generous donation of players will be encouraged by various coin bonuses, items and good gifts within the balance. We thank in advance all players who support our project with words, actions, morally or financially! The promotion is permanent and will never be canceled.


PR and advertising people

Streamers, PR people, advertisers and all other players who show good activity on our servers, on our communities, on our forum, advertise our project, advise their friends, create clans and gather people, show their leadership and arrange various skirmishes, sieges, pvp, such players are constantly in the administration's field of vision and will always be supported by various bonuses, valuable gifts from the administration! Be active and we will also be active towards you! The promotion is permanent and will never be canceled.


Gifts & Money rewards

We will always hold various author's events and promotions, in which various game bonuses, gifts and valuable prizes will be raffled off, castle capture, pvp tournaments, with a bonus in game currency and real money! The promotion is permanent and will never be canceled.

Support us

By clicking on the payment link, you agree to the rules for donations and refunds.

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  • Rubles Free Kassa
  • International Primepayments
1 Euro = 100 Mark of Victory
1 Rubles = 1 Mark of Victory
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1 Euro = 100 Mark of Victory
1 Rubles = 1 Mark of Victory
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1 Euro = 100 Mark of Victory
1 Rubles = 1 Mark of Victory
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